Evening all, thank you to all who attended our Hiwinui Community Committee Public meeting last night. We know not all could make it, and minutes will be forthcoming. There was a lot of discussion around the Manawatu District Council draft District Plan: Rural, Village & Feilding Residential project, and it was timely that Matt and his team involved with the District Plan Review were able to answer questions last night. At this point MDC are seeking feedback on zoning proposals and the general direction of the review, with Hiwinui having it’s individual plan located at https://www.mdc.govt.nz/Services/Planning/District-Plan/Plan-Changes/Plan-Change-A/Hiwinui Here you can view the plan (pic attached) and give feedback via their feedback form. Here is a link to the main District Plan Review website where you can find out more about the review and proposals for other Manawatū locations, including the wider rural environment: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/d81d0353f13f4cf5801622114583e1e8 (note this page doesn’t work with Internet Explorer browser). The MDC have attended previous Hiwinui community meetings, and were involved with establishing the Hiwinui Community Plan (2017); both of these forums and feedback received to date has helped to form the draft proposal for Hiwinui. The MDC are keen to hear feedback on how we want Hiwinui to develop (or not) over the coming years, if the proposed zoning is right, and a range of associated issues. The more feedback received, the better our community will be represented. Feedback provided now is the first of several opportunities we’ll have to be involved in the MDC’s District Planning process. Please note that feedback is required by Friday 31 July.